(2023, November 8-10) Farinosi, M., Cirulli, A. “Exploring Students’ Attitudes Towards ChatGPT and AI Systems in Higher Education: A Case Study from Italy”. AI Workshop: Living with Artificial Intelligence. CIRN Conference 2023 “Thinking Writing, Dialoguing. A Hybrid Conference for The Future”, Monash University, Prato.
(2023, November 8-10) Stillman, L., Farinosi, M., Sarrica, M., Khalid, H., Biswas, M., Anwar, M. “Complex, foggy and bumpy: A study of social-technical understandings in Bangladesh”. CIRN Conference 2023 “Thinking Writing, Dialoguing. A Hybrid Conference for The Future”, Monash University, Prato.
(2023, June 22-23) Cirulli, A. “Intelligenza Artificiale e formazione universitaria: un’indagine esplorativa sulle percezione e le pratiche degli studenti”. National Conference SISCC “Mondi Possibili. Tra Crisi, Conflitti e Pratiche Creative”, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”.
(2023, June 22-23) Farinosi, M., Trevisan, F. “Riscrivere la narrazione sulla disabilità: social media e pratiche di (auto)rappresentazione delle identità marginalizzate”. National Conference SISCC “Mondi Possibili. Tra Crisi, Conflitti e Pratiche Creative”, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”.
(2023, June 15-16) Farinosi, M., Trevisan, F. “Rewriting narratives about disability on social media: (self-)representation, digital visibility, and marginalized identity”. “Media Futures Conference 2023: The Department of Media and Communications 20th Anniversary”, LSE, London.
(2023, May 24) Fortunati, L, Farinosi, M. “Using Smartphones as a Lens to Look Inside Older Adults’ Everyday Life: From theories to empirical frescoes”. 2023 ICA Mobile Preconference “Keeping it Real After 20 Years: Reclaiming Mobile Communication Scholarship in a Phone-Less Future”, Toronto.
(2023, January 19-20) Cirulli, A., Farinosi, M., “Pratiche culturali, forme della partecipazione socio-politica e tecnologie digitali: il caso di Peccioli”. Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) Conference ‘”Re-assembling the social. Re(i)stituire il sociale. 40 anni di AIS”, Panel “Processi culturali ed educativi nella società digitale”, Federico II University, Naples, Italy.
(2022, July 7-8) Cirulli, A., “Tessuto associativo e partecipativo nella comunità locale. Il caso del Comune di Peccioli’. 22nd Meeting Giovani SPE “Sociologia, persona e sfera pubblica. Le ricerche dei giovani sociologi”, Pontignano, Italy.
(2022, January 26-27) Cirulli, A., Alteri, L., Barile, A. “L’incidenza del Covid-19 sui quartieri post-gentrificati: il caso di San Lorenzo”. Atelier delle Scienze politiche e sociali “Voci e sguardi sulla città. Interpretazioni a confronto”, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy.
(2022, November 9-11) Farinosi, M., Cirulli, A., Fortunati, L. “What do participants participate in? Insights from the community of Peccioli”. 20th Annual Conference of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) “20 years of CIRN: examining the past, present and future of communities and technology’, Monash University, Prato, Italy.
(2022, June 23-24) Farinosi, M., Cirulli, A. “Sapere locale e amministrazione comunale: il percorso partecipativo di Laboratorio Peccioli”. 4th SISCC Conference ‘”Qualcosa è cambiato? La trasformazione dei saperi”, Federico II University, Naples, Italy.
(2021, October 21) Cirulli, A., Ciampi, M., Ippoliti, A.,Toti, A. “Bottom-Up Social Innovation Practices in the Suburbs of Rome: The Cases of Trullo and Tor Pignattara Neighbourhoods’. Online Mid-term conference of Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Networks in ESA (RN22) and ISA (TG04) “Multidimensional Risks in the 21st Century”.
(2021, October 7-8) Cirulli, A., Farinosi, M. “Rapporti governo-locale cittadinanza e dinamiche comunicative durante l’emergenza Covid-19: il caso del Comune di Peccioli’. Online conference of AIS Political Sociology “Politica e società nell’era post-Covid 19. Il ruolo pubblico della sociologia politica”.
(2021, November 8-12) Farinosi, M., Cirulli, A., Fortunati, L. “The impact of the pandemic on communication sphere in local government systems’. Online conference XIX of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) “Communities, Technology and This Moment 2021”.
(2021, June 24-25) Fortunati, L., Farinosi, M., Cirulli, A., Piccolo, C. “Governo locale e comunicazione istituzionale durante l’emergenza Covid-19: il caso del Comune di Peccioli”. Online conference SISCC “Le Reti dei Valori. I Valori delle Reti”.
(2021, August 31-September 3) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Sociality at a Distance: Understanding the Role of Digital Media During the Covid-19 Lockdown”. ESA 2021 “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures” RN18 – Sociology of Communications and Media Research.
(2021, June 24-25) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “L’ascesa delle silver influencer: Come le donne over 70 innovano la narrazione della moda online”. Online conference SISCC “Le Reti dei Valori. I Valori delle Reti”.
(2020, February 27) Costantini, F. “Participative Decision-Making and Gamification: the Case of «Civic Points”. IRIS2020 – Internationales Rechts Informatik Symposion, University of Salzburg, Austria.
(2020, May 28) Costantini, F. Webinar “COVID19 vs GDPR: the case of “Immuni” Italian app. General Data Protection Regulation Lecture – EU course, University of Hamburg, Germany.
(2020, February 28) Costantini, F., Galvan, F., Battiato, S. “A Case Study for an “Accountable” IOT”. IRIS2020 – Internationales Rechts Informatik Symposion, University of Salzburg, Austria.
(2020, February 03) Farinosi, M. Book presentation “Comunicazione e processi partecipativi. Amministrazione pubblica e coinvolgimento dei cittadini nel Comune di Peccioli”, La Sapienza Università of Rome, Italy.
(2020, January 30) Farinosi, M. Book presentation “Comunicazione e processi partecipativi. Amministrazione pubblica e coinvolgimento dei cittadini nel Comune di Peccioli”, Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy.
(2020, July 19-24) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Young and elderly fashion influencers.” HCI – Human-Computer Interaction – Conference 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
(2020, October 26) Farinosi, M., Piccolo, C. “In lockdown: living social distancing in the digital age”. Online conference of Academia Europaea “Media (&) Life After/During Covid-19 Pandemic”.
(2020, November 4-7) Farinosi, M., Piccolo, C., Fortunati, L. “In lockdown: vivere il distanziamento spaziale nell’era digitale”. Online conference of AIS-PIC “Reti, Media e Culture Post-Covid. Sfide, Conflitti, Disuguaglianze, Narrazioni e Immaginari a confronto”.
(2020, October 21) Fortunati, L. “A path of research projects on social robotics (2000-2020)”. Online lecture, Peking University HSBC Business School, China.
(2020, October 26) Fortunati, L. “How a research project had to be reformulated because of COVID19. A narrative on the design and methodological changes intervened in a research project during the emergency”. Online conference of Academia Europaea “Media (&) Life After/During Covid-19 Pandemic”.
(2020, November 5-7) Fortunati, L. “Mediating the human body in AI creation”. Online Conference “Unboxing AI. Comprendere l’intelligenza artificiale”, Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy.
(2020, January 21) Fortunati, L. “Percorsi di ricerca sui robot sociali (2000-2020)”. Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy.
(2020, November 26) Fortunati, L. “The Arcane at the time of the Covid”. SSCT Webinar, Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Centre for Development Studies di Bristol, UK.
(2019, December 17) Costantini, F. “Teoria e Prassi dell’esperienza Giuridica. In Ricordo di Francesco Gentile 2019”, Catanzaro, Italy.
(2019 July 9) Costantini, F. “Legal Issues In the Digital Economy. The Impact of Disruptive Technologies in the Labour Market”. Sixth Conference of International Labour Office “Regulating for Decent Work”, Geneva, Switzerland.
(2019, February 22) Costantini, F., Archetti, E. “IoT, Intelligent Transport Systems And Maas (Mobility As A Service)”. IRIS2019 – Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion -, Salzburg, Austria.
(2019, February 22) Costantini, F., De Stafani, M.A., Galvan, F. “The «Quality of Information» Challenges” . In Iot Forensics: an Introduction. IRIS2019 – Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion -, Salzburg, Austria.
(2019, October 8) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Advanced style: the rise of the over 70 fashion influencers”. Workshop of the Interdepartmental Group on Active Aging of the University of Udine, Udine, Italy.
(2019, July 4-5) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Intrecci di fili, intrecci di reti: cittadinanza attiva e urban knitting nel decennale del terremoto dell’Aquila”. National Conference SSI-SCC “Transforming cultures, transforming societies. Ripensare l’immaginazione sociologica”, Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy.
(2019, July 1) Fortunati, L. “Do we need to update the uncanny valley theory after 50 years?”. CNR, Rome, Italy.
(2019, June 19-22) Fortunati, L. “Is Sophia challenging the uncanny valley theory?”. FORITALL Conference, Ancona, Italy.
(2019, August 27-29) Fortunati, L. “La sfera domestica analizzata attraverso la lente dell’attuale critica dell’economia politica”. Conference Segovia, Spain.
(2019, July 23-24) Fortunati, L. “Rivisiting the uncanny theory through an experiment with InMoov, Padbot, Joybot and Turtlebot”. SI-ROBOTICS Workshop “Social robots: a workshop on the future of digital companions”.
(2019, May 16) Fortunati, L., Farinosi, M., Zanut, S. “Strategie di comunicazione in emergenza: due esperienze a confronto”. Workshop “Persone, comportamenti ed emergenza. Stato dell’arte e nuovi strumenti per pianificare la risposta ad eventi emergenziali”, University Consortium of Pordenone, Pordenone, Italy.
(2019, May 22-27) Fortunati, L., Ferrin, G., Zuncheddu, A. “Communicative Robots: an educational tool and argument. ICA preconference “Communicating with Machines: Theory and Practice””, Washington, DC, US.
(2019, July 4-5) Pagani, L. “Statistical evaluation systems at 360°: techniques, technologies and new frontiers”. IES 2019, Rome, Italy.
(2019, November 6-8) Stillman, L., Biswas, M., Farinosi, M., Ahmed, N. “Facebook use in rural Bangladesh: analysis the digital media practices”. CIRN conference “Whose agenda: Action, Research, Politics”, Monash University Prato Centre, 2019.
(2018, November 15) Costantini, F. “COST Action CA16222 on Autonomous and Connnected Transport – How block chain could play a role?” Decentralised conference 2018, Athens, Greece.
(2018, October , 28-29) Farinosi, M., Ferrin, G., Fortunati, L. “Fare è Connettere”. Donne artigiane, artefatti creativi e pratiche mediali digitali, Conference SSI-SCC (Società Scientifica Italiana Sociologia, Cultura Comunicazione) 2018: What’s Next? La sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi oggi e domani”, Bologna.
(2018, May 10) Fortunati, L. “On the traces of beauty and art in the domestic sphere: a feminist perspective”, lecture on invitation, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
(2018, April 12-13) Fortunati, L. Around Mobility and Sociability. International Research Workshop “Mobile Socialities”, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
(2018, May 24) Fortunati, L. Manganelli AM, Cavallo F., Honsell F.You need to show that you are not a robot. ICA preconference “Communicating with Machines: Theory and Practice”, Prague, Cechia.
(2018, July 15-20) Taipale, S., Farinosi, M. The Big Meaning of Small Messages: The Use of WhatsApp in Intergenerational Family Communication. Conference “HCI international – ITAP 2018: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Acceptance, Communication and Participation”, Las Vegas, Nevada.
(2018) Ye, W., Hu, Y. Ride-Hailing Drivers’ Mobile Work: Ride-Hailing Drivers’ Temporal, Spatial and Social Relations in Shenzhen. Paper presented at “Mobile People, Mobile Communication: Mobile Media and Social Life”, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of HongKong.
(2018) Ye, W., Tse, C., Chen, Z., Liu, Y. A Statistical Thermodynamic Modelling of Inter-City Information Flow. Poster presented at Network Science-X 2018 (NetSci-X 2018). Hangzhou, China.
(2017, September 28) Costantini, F. “A (very short) introduction at the International Conference «Cross-Border Digital Forensics»”, University of Udine, Scuola Superiore, Italy.
(2017, October 31) Costantini, F. “Cosa vuol dire «essere avvocato» oggi? Il giurista tra «complessità giuridica» e «diritto computazionale»”. Paper presented at sessione introduttiva della Scuola Forense 2017/2018, Ordine degli Avvocati di Verona, University of Verona, Italy.
(2017, April 3) Costantini, F. “In che senso si parla di «persone elettroniche» nel Parlamento Europeo?”. Paper presented at “Robotica e «Industria 4.0». Prospettive e problemi tra informatica e diritto”, University of Udine, Pordenone, Italy.
(2017, April 18) Costantini, F. “Intervento nel seminario Percorsi del giusnaturalismo: Benvenuto Donati (1883-1950), Giovanni Ambrosetti (1915-1985) e Guido Fassò (1915-1974)”, svoltosi nell’ambito del Seminario permanente di Teoria del Diritto e Filosofia Pratica XXI ciclo (marzo – maggio 2017), Questioni e figure della cultura giuridica italiana tra Otto e Novecento. Uno sguardo dal presente.
(2017, September 27) Costantini, F. “Introduzione ai problemi concernenti prova come “informazione” e “informazione” come prova”. Paper presented at the national workshop “Image Forensics: questioni teoretiche e pratiche della “prova per immagini”, Scuola Superiore University of Udine, Italy.
(2017, April 5) Costantini, F. “Prima parte (Problemi teoretici)”, intervento nella conferenza “Prova informatica e Digital forensics. Problemi teoretici e questioni pratiche”, svoltasi presso il Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy.
(2017, May 22-23) Costantini, F. “Social network, social profiling, predictive policing. Current issues and future perspectives”. Paper presented at “Big Data: New Challenges for Law and Ethics”, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
(2017, July 13-14) Fortunati, L. “Care and Robots in Elderly’s Attitude in Europe”. Paper presented at the conference “Care, media and ritual. Creative, design, social and ethnographic interventions”, Keio University, Tokyo.
(2017, September 14-16) Fortunati, L. “Emerging Technologies. The case of social robots”. Paper presented at Emerging Media. Connection, Innovation, Transformation, Bejing.
(2017, September 3-6) Fortunati, L. “Print newspaper practices and culture between innovation and social sustainability”. Paper presented at the conference of the European Accademy “Sustainability and Resilience”, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest.
(2017) Fortunati, L., Cavallo, F., Sarrica, M. “Il ruolo del robot nello spazio pubblico”. Paper presented at ForItaal 2017 Ambient Assisted Living, 8° Forum Italiano, Genova, Italy.
(2017, June 29) Giacomini, G., Fortunati, L. “Quale impatto hanno i nuovi media sulla qualità della democrazia?”. Paper presented at “The good journalist online”, University of Udine, Italy.
(2017, September 4-7) Lugano, G., Fortunati, L., Costantini, F., Montessoro, P.L. “Driverless Cars and the Semantics of Mobility: Technical, Legal and Social Challenges.” Paper presented at the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services – Mobile HCI 2017, Vienna.
(2017, September 18) Mattiassi, A. “Command Systems And Player-Avatar Interaction In Successful Fighting Games In Light Of Neuroscientific Theories And Models”. Paper presented at CHItaly, Cagliari, Italy.
(2017, December 22) Mattiassi, A. “Liberi di scegliere a che gioco giocare”. Presentation at Gioco, giocare e Fenomeni Connessi, Udine, Italy.
(2017, March 31) Mattiassi, A. “Memory senza memoria: come la memoria plasma il gioco, anche senza volerlo”. Presentation at Tavola Esagonale – Gioco e Memoria, Modena, Italy.
(2017) Mattiassi, A., Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L. “Empathy towards robots: a comparative study with robots, humans, animals and objects“. Paper presented at ForItaal 2017 Ambient Assisted Living, 8° Forum Italiano, Genova, Italy.
(2017, August 29 – September 1) Pagani, L., Piani, L., Zanarotti, M.C., Ellero, G. “Transition to Solidarity Economy: a Composite Indicator for the Assessment of Territory Vocation”. Paper presented at the XV EAAE Congress, Towards Sustainable AgriI-Food Systems: Balancing Between Markets and Society, Parma, Italy.
(2017, September 6-7) Pagani, L., Zamaro, G. “The Evaluation of the Regional Project “ADESSO” as an Example of Multilevel Networking and Governance”. Paper presented at IES2017, Innovation & Society, Statistical Methods for Evaluation, Naples, Italy.
(2017) Viel, M., Mattiassi. A. “ino)(opendesign e il folle flusso del fai da te tecnologico”. Paper presented at The Educational Robotics Week, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy.
(2016, November 23) Costantini, F. “«Information Society» and MaaS in the European Union: current issues and future perspectives”. Paper presented at the workshop «MaaS Policy Aspects. New legal Framework and Liability? What are expected benefits for user and local authorities?» nell’ambito del “Intelligent Transport Systems: a Tool or a Toy?”, Žilina (Slovacchia).
(2016, November 25) Costantini, F. “Introduzione generale ai problemi della prova digitale”. Paper presented at the national conference “Introduzione alla digital forensics. Problemi teoretici e questioni pratiche tra informatica e diritto”, Gorizia, Italy.
(2016, November 5) Costantini, F. Problemi inerenti la “sicurezza” negli “autonomous vehicles”. Paper presented at the national conference of the Società Italiana di Informatica Giuridica “Internet of Things e i Diritti della Rete”, Bologna, Italy.
(2016, September 16) Costantini, F. “Società dell’Informazione e “diritto artificiale”. Il problema del “controllo” nell’esperienza giuridica contemporanea. “Paper presented at the workshop of the Società Italiana di Filosofia del Diritto “Limiti del diritto e tecno-regolazione, Lecce, Italy.
(2016, October 6) Costantini, F., Montessoro, P.L. “Algoritmi al volante, Problemi inerenti la sicurezza delle “Self Driving Car” (veicoli a guida autonoma) tra informatica e diritto.” Paper presented at “Incontri fuori dal Comune”, University of Udine, Italy.
(2016, October 27) Farinosi, M. “L’Aquila 2009: narrare la catastrofe nell’era dei social media”, Convegno “Catastrophe: Raccontare, rappresentare, descrivere il terremoto. “Paper presented at Friuli 1976 – 2016. Epicentro di saperi. A quarant’anni dal terremoto in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
(2016, November 9-12) Farinosi, M. “Selecting the audience and managing the visibility rules: gender differences in privacy-related practices on Facebook. “Paper presented at ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) conference 2016: Mediated (Dis)Continuities. Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague.
(2016, July 27-31) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Social (Media) Memories and the permanence of the ‘past.” Paper presented at IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) conference 2016: Memory, Commemoration and Communication. Looking back, looking forward.
(2016, July 10-14) Farinosi, M., Taipale, S. “Exploring the Online Practices of Self-Disclosure, Privacy Concerns and Gender Differences in the Time of Facebook”. Paper presented at Third ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum of Sociology: The Futures We Want. Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, Wien.
(2016, October 5-8) Farinosi, M., Taipale, S. “Navigating between privacy settings and visibility rules: online self-disclosure in the social web”. Paper presented at AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers) conference 2016: Internet Rules!, Berlin.
(2016, June 14) Fortunati, L. “Feminism, labor and the machinization of the everyday life”. Keynote paper presented at the Postconference: Communicating with Machines: The Rising Power of Digital Interlocutors in Our Lives, ICA, Fukuoka.
(2016, November 11-12) Fortunati, L. “Il rapporto tra femminismo, lavoro domestico e automazione”. Paper presented at the international workshop “Automazione e teoria critica: a partire da Friedrich Pollock” dove ha presentato la relazione”, Mendrisio.
(2016, June 7) Fortunati, L. “Living with Social Robots.” Invited paper presented at the international conference “Digital Practices: Situating People, Things and Data”, Siegen.
(2016, July 7)) Fortunati, L. Paper presented at the “European Symposium on Socially Intelligent Robots and Societal Applications” (SIRo-‐SA), Parigi.
(2016, May 18-19) Fortunati, L., Farinosi, M. ““The Management of the Last Mile” in Risk Communication”. Paper presented at the international conference “Enhancing the resilience of social infrastructures”, University of Modena, Italy.
(2016, September 7-8) Fortunati, L., Rossi, P. “Introduction of the panel “Dalla Robotica Educativa alla Robotica Sociale”” at the conference EMEMITALIA 2016, Design the Future!, Modena, Italy.
(2016, June 22-23) Fortunati, L., Sarrica, M., Honsell, F., Buscato, S., Steffan, A. “The media discourse on social robots: one year of newspaper articles”. Paper presented at ForItaal Ambient Assisted Living, 7° Forum italiano.
(2016, September 7-10) Jones, G., Michelini, Pagani, L., Pospiech, G., Stefanel, A., Trippenbach, M. “Qualitative and quantitative data analysis of the HOPE-SSQ questionnaire on the factor inspiring Secondary Students to study Physics”. Paper presented at the HOPE Annual Forum 2016, Hope Network, Life Long Learning Programme, European Commission, Constanța (Romania).
(2016, April 1) Mattiassi, A. Brain 4 Games. “Competenze Cognitive in Gioco”. Presentation at Tavola Esagonale – Gioco e Realtà, Modena, Italy.
(2016, March 10) Mattiassi, A. “Challenge, Experience, Master, Reward: l’intersezione tra gioco, psicologia e neuroscienze cognitive”. Invited presentation for the Gruppo di Promozione della Ricerca sul Gioco, Università di Modena – Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
(2016, May 20) Mattiassi, A. “Science and Technology for Cognitive Disabilities”. Presentation at Social Robotics: Main Trends and Perspectives in Europe, Pordenone, Italy.
(2016, November 4) Mattiassi, A., Ligabue, A. “Cognitive Skills in Games – a pilot study on divided attention and inhibition”. Poster presentation at Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy.
(2016, August 30 – September 3) Piani, L., Pagani, L., Ellero, G. “A proposal of complex index to measure the transition to Solidarity Economy”. Paper presented at the Degrowth Conference, Budapest 2016, “Walking the Meaningful Great Transformation?”, Budapest.
(2016, June 22-23) Sarrica, M., Fortunati, L., Brondi, S., Ferrin, G. “Youth representations of social robots: From Reified to Consensul Universe of Knowledge, Pisa.” Paper presented at ForItaal Ambient Assisted Living, 7° Forum italiano.
(2016, October) Ye, W. “Mapping: Using Netnography to Study Community and People Online”. Paper presented at the 3rd Anthropology Forum of 21st Century, Beijing, China.
(2015, November 25) Costantini, F. “Diritto naturale contro naturalismo Giuridico: l’insegnamento di Giovanni Ambrosetti”. Paper presented at the national workshop “Natura e/o naturalità del diritto. Riflessioni filosofico-giuridiche”, University of Verona, Italy.
(2015, November 27) Costantini, F. “Diritto, legge e giurisprudenza. Questioni emergenti dalla sentenza della Corte Costituzionale n. 49 del 14 gennaio – 23 marzo 2015”. Paper presented at the national workshop “Colloqui di Antigone”, University of Udine, Italy.
(2015, May 14) Costantini, F. “Ebay, Uber e gli altri: Giuridicità e Antigiuridicità nella “peer to peer” economy.” Paper presented at the conference “Il difficile rapporto tra Informatica e Diritto”, Gorizia, Italy.
(2015, November 20) Costantini, F. “Questioni teoretiche concernenti la diffamazione on line. Paper presented at the national conference “La diffamazione ai tempi dei social network””, organized by Camera Avvocati Este Monselice Montagnanar.
(2015, August 25-28) Farinosi, M. “Sociological insights on the impact of digital tools on students’ writing/reading”. Paper presented at ESA (European Sociological Association) conference 2015: Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, Prague.
(2015, September 11) Farinosi, M. “Young adults and digital tools: exploring the new writing and reading practices in the Italian context”. Paper presented at University of Jyväskylä.
(2015, December 10) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Learning between paper and bits: Practices of reading and writing in educational context”. Paper presented at Digital literacy: Policies, research and good practices, Padova, Italy.
(2015, May 20-21) Fortunati, L, Farinosi, M., Nie, Y. “Exploring the grassroots fashion storytelling: an analysis of the online conversations on/against the bloggers’ style”. Paper presented at the international conference “Fashion through History: Costumes, Symbols, Communication”, Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
(2015, September 4) Mattiassi, A. “Emotional Brain Stimulation for regulation and storytelling: The Role of Inferior Orbitofrontal Gyrus”. Remote presentation at 1st Meeting of Applied Neuroimaging Cognition and Emotion, Córdoba, Argentina.
(2015, April 10) Mattiassi, A., Vergendo, M. “N00bs&BoardGames: il ruolo della condivisione di conoscenze nell’apprendimento di dinamiche complesse in ambiente competitivo”. Presentation and poster presentation at Tavola Esagonale – Gioco e Formazione, Modena, Italy.
(2015) Ye, W. “Social Science in Data Journalism”. Paper presented at the 2nd Southeast Youth Scholar on Communication Forum, Guangzhou, China.
(2014, September 18-19) Cagnina, M.R., Marangon, F., Pagani, L., Troiano, S. “Giovani consumatori e prodotti alimentari bio. Tra consumo consapevole e consumo responsabile?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Italian Society of Marketing, Modena, Italy.
(2014, July 14) Costantini, F. “L’«ontologia sociale» di Giovanni Ambrosetti tra “esigenza dell’essere” ed “esigenza di essere””. Paper presented at “Colloqui di Antigone”, University of Udine, Italy.
(2014, September 3-6) Farinosi, M. “Guerilla Knitting as Political Statement: Creative Activism, Peaceful Protest and Urban Beautification”. Paper presented at ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) conference 201, University of Glasgow, Glasgow./p>
(2014, June 12-14) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “‘We, L’Aquila’: Production and representation of urban space through a social map platform”. Paper presented at STSItalia (Società Italiana di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia) conference 2014: A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science and Technology”, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
(2014, June 5-7) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Eventi traumatici e ricostruzione: uno studio qualitativo sulle pratiche dal basso in uno spazio digitale”. Paper presented at the conference “Ethnography and Qualitative Research”, Università di Bergamo, Italy.
(2014, October 28-30) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Googlemapping and sharing digital memories after a natural disaster: community, places and digital media to remember the city of L’Aquila (Italy)”. Paper presented at CIRN (Community Informatics Research Network) conference 2013: Nexus, Confluence, and Difference. Community Archives meets Community Informatics, Monash University, Prato, Italy./p>
(2014, November 12-15) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Natural Disaster, Digital Memory, Collective Trauma: The Case Study of ‘Noi L’aquila’””. Paper presented at ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) conference 2014: Communication for Empowerment. Citizens, Markets, Innovations, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon.
(2014, May 2-3) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Reconstructing memories after a natural catastrophe: how social media contribute to reviving the city’s heritage after L’Aquila earthquake.” Paper presented at the conference “Memories of the Future”, Chelsea College of Art and Design (UAL), London.
(2014, April 24-27) Fortunati, L. “Atypical Newswork. Keynote paper presented at the international conference “Media against Democracy? The Commercialization of Internet and the Crisis of Media””, Zagreb.
(2014, April 24-27) Fortunati, L. “Feminism, Communication and Labour”. Keynote paper presented at the international conference “Media against Democracy? The Commercialization of Internet and the Crisis of Media”, Zagreb.
(2014, October 27) Fortunati, L. “Robots approaching the human body: roboticizing fashion and design”. Paper presented at the international workshop “A sociological, psychological and educational perspective on social robots”, Scuola Superiore di Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
(2014, October 6) Fortunati, L. “Sociology Faces Social Robots”. Paper presented at Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università La Sapienza, Roma, Italy.
(2014, April 10-11) Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. “QR codes as bridging technology between print newspapers and the online world”. Paper presented at the COST FP1104 meeting, Montegrotto, Italy.
(2014, November 27-28) Mattiassi, A. “Emotion regulation and Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus during storytelling: a brain stimulation study”. Poster presentation at Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy.
(2014, November 22-24) Mattiassi, A. “Mirror Motor Mapping of Unseen Actions: Masked Presentations of Body Actions Affects Motor Resonance”. Presentation at XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia, Venice.
(2014, March 19-21) Mattiassi, A. ” Motor resonance requires conscious perception but is modulated by unseen actions”. Poster presentation at 5th International Conference on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Leipzig, Germany.
(2013, November 25-26) Pagani, L., Zanarotti, M.C. “Some considerations about variable transformations and link functions to carry out a composite indicator for ordinal data.” Paper presented at ASMOD 2013, Advances in Statistical Modelling of Ordinal Data, Naples, Italy.
(2013, November 22) Costantini, F. “L’Azienda Digitale: tra condivisione e controllo delle informazioni”. Paper presented at “L’azienda digitale: come le tecnologie digitali possono contribuire alla riduzione dei costi e al miglioramento dei processi di lavoro”, IRES, Udine, Italy.
(2013, June 25-29) Farinosi, M. “Exploring the Soft Side of Collective Actions: Creativity, Protest and Social Media in the Urban Yarn Bombing phenomenon”. Paper presented at IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) conference 2013: Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication Orders, Dublin City University, Dublin.
(2013, August 28-31) Farinosi, M., Fortunati, L. “Subversive Stitches: craftivism, guerrilla and digital media use in yarn bombing movement”. Paper presented at ESA (European Sociological Association) conference 2013: Crisis, Critique and Change”, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy.
(2013, August 28-31) Farinosi, M., Micalizzi, A. “Late Modernity disasters in on-line extraordinary contexts. An overview on L’Aquila earthquake and the use of social platforms”. Paper presented at ESA (European Sociological Association) conference 2013: Crisis, Critique and Change”, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy.
(2013, January 24-25) Fortunati, L. Participation to the plenary discussion at the international conference organized by European Science Foundation “Forward Look: Media Studies: New Media, New Literacies”, Ljubljana.
(2013, November 18-19) Fortunati, L. “Shifting the debate: from the future of the press to the press of the future.” Keynote paper presented at the international conference “Active Audiences and journalism”, Bilbao.
(2013, April 29-30) Fortunati, L. (2013). “The new frontiers of mobile media: theoretical insights on their possible developments”. Paper presented at the international conference “Living Inside Mobile Social Information”, University’s College of Communication, Boston.
(2013, October 28-30) Fortunati, L., Nie, Y. “Between fashion and technology: investigating mobile fashion applications”. Paper presented at “Nexus, Confluence, and Difference: Community Archives meets Community Informatics”, Monash Center, Prato, Italy.
(2013, February 22) Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. “Capturing Methodological Trends in Mobile Communication Studies”. Paper presented at the international conference “Methodologies of mobile communication and media research”, University of Copenhagen.
(2013, October 24-26) Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. “How mobile device applications contribute to mobilization of information, things and people through the use of QR codes”. Paper presented at IR 14.0, Denver.
(2013, May 1-3) Fortunati, L., Taipale, S. “Mobile phones and digital generations in EU5 countries: a comparison of the 1996 and 2009 survey data”. Paper presented at “Third International Conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets”, MIT, Cambridge.
(2013) Ye, W., Yang, B. “Online Discussion and Attitude Change: A Study on Users’ Attitude on Family and Marriage in Online Forums”. Paper presented at ICA Regional Conference “Communication and Social Transformation”, Shanghai, China.
(2023, November 9) AI Workshop: Living with Artificial Intelligence. CIRN Conference 2023 “Thinking Writing, Dialoguing. A Hybrid Conference for The Future”, Monash University, Prato.
(2020, December 14) Online Workshop “Social Robots from a Human Perspective” (with Dr. Jane Vincent, London School of Economics, London, UK).
(2020, December 7) Online Workshop “Le sfide dell’AI in Europa” (with Chiara Sottocorona, journalist and freelance of Corriere della Sera).
(2020, December 1) Online Workshop “The Human and the Robotic: Mutual Interaction” (with Prof. Nikhil Bhattachiarya, Institute of Fine arts di Washington, DC, USA).
(2019, November 28) Workshop “Disabilità e tecnologie: uno sguardo multidisciplinare“, Pordenone, Italy.
(2019, April 29-30) International workshop on social robotics (with Erfurt University), Pordenone, Italy.
(2018, February 28) Workshop “Social media, tecnologie digitali e sicurezza urbana”, Pordenone, Italy.
(2017, September 20) Workshop “The Predictive Power of Social Sciences“, Pordenone, Italy.
(2017, June 28) Workshop “The Good Journalist Online“, Udine, Italy.
(2017, April 20) Workshop “Technological Innovations in the World of Journalism”, Pordenone, Italy.
(2017, April 3) Workshop “Emotion, Sexuality and Collaboration towards and with Social Robots”, Pordenone, Italy.
(2017, April 3) Workshop “Smart Robots e Industria 4.0: Verso una Prospettiva Multidisciplinare”, Pordenone, Italy.
(2016, May 20) Workshop “Social Robotics: Main Trends and Perspectives in Europe “, Pordenone, Italy.
(2016, May 6) “SafetyDay “Strategie di evacuazione in caso di emergenza”, Pordenone, Italy.
(2013, June 10-13) Conference “The Future Concept and Reality of Social Robotics: Challenges, Perception and Applications. Role of Social Robotics in Current and Future Society”, COST, Brussel, Belgium.